Planning end-of-life arrangements is difficult for everyone.

We built inpeace to help ease the burden.

Matt and his Dad in 2022

Matt and his dad in 2022

Hi, I’m Matt, the founder of Inpeace. Every time I’ve had to go through the loss of someone dear to me, I’ve been surprised at just how painful everything after the death is. Travel, decisions, paperwork - sitting across from a stranger, in a strange place, having to purchase things you wish you didn’t have to buy. In 2022 I got together with some friends and we decided we wanted to make this process less painful.

With Inpeace you can plan your loved one’s cremation from the comfort of your home, surrounded by those you love, on your timeline. We help you clearly understand your options and even help with payment plans so you aren’t burdened with the entire cost up front.

I hope that we can ease this transition for you and your family. Losing someone you love is never easy, but we hope to make honoring their memory a little easier.

If you’d like to talk, email me at If you use our livechat or call us at (212) 498-8845 there’s a good chance I’ll be who picks up!